Monday, 20 January 2014


Week 2: Friday

We were introduced to an abbreviation to help us remember the codes and conventions of a title sequence:  STINCS.

Setting - When and where is the film set?
Theme - The mood of the film, what is it really about?
Iconography - Costume, props, make-up, etc.
Narrative - What is the film about?
Characters - Who are they?  What are they like?
Style - Cinematography, sound, editing, etc.

We then focused on sound for the rest of the lesson.  We looked at how it helped set the tone for the film.  We rewatched the Se7en (1995) title sequence, focusing on the various sounds within it and how they might have been created.  For example, there is a almost screeching sound I thought sounded like the noise made by moving a pick down an electric guitar string when it is plugged in.

Other title sequences we looked at were Vertigo (1958) and Catch Me If You Can (2002).

After, we separated into groups and tried collecting sounds from within the classroom and around the school.

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